Wednesday, March 29, 2017

WFB Masters 3/29/17: kick set, pull set, breath control

It's been a while since I've written daily workouts and I always crave creativity but I need to realize it doesn't have to be fancy and don't do too much that will confuse the swimmers.

Warm up:
10' solo
12x25 w/fins: kick/drill/swim x25's on 40"
- Fingertip drag, be sure to slow it down a bit and really feel the water between your fingers.
(800-ish warm up)

Kick Set: fins optional
100 build on 20" rest
4x50 Desc on 100
4x25 fast on 40
(400 set/1200 total)

Pull Set: Paddles and/or buoy
400 cruise on 30" rest
4x75 on 120/130/140+
- Breath every 3rd stroke, 5th stroke, 3rd stroke by 25.
(700 set/1900 total)

Main Set:
300 on 30" rest
- 50 stroke or 50 push freestyle
- 100 cruise
6x50 on 100/110
- Odds: Breath every 3rd stroke
- Evens: Breath every 5th stroke
**2x the below**
200 on 300/320/240
- 25 stroke or 25 push free
- 75 cruise
8x25 on 30/40
- Odds: 90%
- Evens: Easy
(1400 set/3300 total)

Warm down:
100 easy swim
100 kick
100 easy swim
- 3600 total

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