Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Wisconsin Women's All-Stars workout - 6/7/16

I started volunteer coaching a HS women's rugby team a few weeks back, with really only two weeks left in their season as I found out after showing up. I've always been intrigued by rugby and played it for a semester in College as well. It was an interesting opportunity and one I jumped at in order to learn new perspectives in coaching. That head coach invited me to come help out with the Wisconsin's Women All-Stars team two weeks after 7's season ended. I jumped at the opportunity as I was put in charge of their conditioning program. It was only three practices before they head off to a competition down in N.C.

Here's the conditioning workout for June 7th, their first practice together.

Warm up: 
- Jog a lap: 
- Dynamic Warm Up: Toe flicks, High knee Caraoke, Toe Touches, DYNA walk, Russian Kicks, Lunge & Twist, Arm Circles, Skip for Height/Length

4 Corners: Pair Up w/similar size/position. Start with exercise and run to next cone to complete the next exercise, be sure to keep up with your partner. Each cone was a 5-8" run away from each other. 

1st cone - Push ups x10
2nd cone - Leg Lifts x10
3rd cone - Squats x10
4th cone - 2 position sit up x10/side
1st round: Run hard between stations. 
2nd round: Piggy back rides (switch after every station. Good for building run strength when people are trying to tackle you)
**Water Break** It was hot this day so we alloted a 2' water break. 
3rd round: Run hard
4th round: Hold pants run (resisted run, switch each station, hold shirt or pants. This also was a strength running exercise since we didn't have sleds). 

**Water Break** 

That was the end of my duties, I stayed and watched them run drills and practice. Interesting and exciting stuff. I'll follow up with the Wednesday workout in a few days. 

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