Wednesday, May 10, 2017

WFB Masters 05.10.17: Pace work

Pace work today, the pace varies and I explain it on swimmer terms, triathlete terms, % effort, and general terms haha so pick what works for you.

Warm up:
10' solo
12x25 w/fins on 40" - kick/drill/swim x25's.
- Drill of choice:
(800ish warm up)

Main Set:
4x75 on 120/130
- Desc #1-4
200 Pace on 30" rest
- Pace = 800 pace, Sprint tri race pace, 85-90%, aka hard.
4x100 on 130/140/145
- Desc #1-4
- 50 of this must be breathing to your weak side
300 pace on 30"
- same as 200
4x150 Pull on 20" rest
- Chill effort - 60%
400 Pace on 30" rest
- Pace = Mile pace, Olympic Triathlon race pace, 80-85%, aka a small notch down from what we were doing.
**This is where most people ended the set - 2200 set/3000 total. Rest of set is below**
200 easy
4x100 pace on 130/145
- same pace as the 400
200 easy
16x25 on 40" interval
- Odds: Easy
- Evens: 20 yards hard, 5 yards easy
(3400 set/4200 total)

Warm down:
100 swim
100 kick
100 swim
- Total: 4500 or 3300

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