Monday, May 22, 2017

Collegiate Plan: 05.22.17

Week Layout: 
Monday: Swim #1
Tuesday: Bike #1 + Run #1 + Strength
Wednesday: Swim #2
Thursday: Bike #2
Friday: Run #2 + Swim
Saturday: Bike #3
Sunday: Run #3

Swim Workouts:

Swim #1:
Warm up: 
300 choice
300 Drill/swim x50’s w/fins
300 kick/swim x50’s w/fins
(900 warm up)

Main Set:
500 pull on 30” rest
-        100 cruise/25 push
2x250 on 20” rest
-        Negative Split
4x125 on 10” rest
-        Swimming at 75% effort, working aerobic systems to where #3/4 should feel a bit taxing on such limited rest.
10x50 on 1:00 interval
-        #1: 25 easy/25 fast
-        #2: 25 fast/25 easy
-        #3: All easy
-        #4-5: All fast
(2000 set/2900 total)

Warm down:
100 easy swim
100 kick
100 easy swim
-        Total: 3200 yards

Swim #2:
Warm up
300 choice
300 Drill/swim x50’s w/fins
300 kick/swim x50’s w/fins
(900 warm up)

Main Set
300 pull on 30" rest
2x150 on 20" rest
- 50 swim/kick/swim with no fins
4x75 on 120/130
- Breath every 7th, 5th, 3rd stroke by 25. 
- OR: Odds: Breath 5-3-5, Evens: breath 3-5-3
6x50 kick with fins on 100
- Desc: 2-2-2 
4x75 on 120/130
- Build and Desc
2x150 on 20" 
- 50 free/25 stroke
300 Pull - Negative Split
(2100 main set/2900 total) 

Warm down:
100 easy swim
100 kick w/fins
100 easy swim
- Total 3200 yards

Swim #3:
Warm up
300 choice
300 Drill/swim x50’s w/fins
300 kick/swim x50’s w/fins
(900 warm up)

Main Set:
4x250 broken up
- 150 build on 10" rest
- 50 fast on 5" rest
- 50 easy on 30" rest
6x50 on 100/105
- #1-3: Fin on your right foot only
- #4-6: Fin on your left foot only
- Goal here is to get the foot without the fin to closely match the foot with the fin in kicking style.
5x100 on 10" rest
- GET AFTER IT!! aka hardest possible effort that you can maintain. 
(1800 main set/2700 total)

Warm down:
 200 easy
- Total: 2900 

Bike Workout:

Bike #1: Base Building
- 45’ ride
-        Ride for 30’ @RPE 4-5
-        Last 15’ pick it up to RPE 5-6 to get the HR up a bit before you get to running off the bike.

Bike #2: Race effort intervals
- 45’ ride
-        Warm up:
o   10’ @RPE 4
o   5x30” spin up/30” soft pedal
-        Main Set: x5
o   2’ @RPE 8-9
o   4’ @RPE 4
o   30’ main set/45’ total

Bike #3: Longer ride
- 75’ ride @RPE 4-5, steady pressure on the pedals for this ride. We’ll bump up the time frame as it gets nicer outside.

Run Workouts:

Run #1: Brick run: Within 5’ of getting of the bike, begin this run workout.  
-        15’ total run broken down as such:
o   5’ to “find your legs”
o   5’ @ RPE 5-7
o   5’ EASY to warm down

Run #2: Base Run - These are great foundation runs, though they seem like nothing special, it builds the foundation for harder and longer runs down the road.
-        A workout: 45min @RPE 4-6
-        B workout: 40min @RPE 4-6
-        C workout: 30min @RPE 4-6

Run #3: Long run w/Pick ups
- A workout: 60+’ running at RPE 4 (doing 4:30 @RPE 4/ 30” @RPE 7)
- B workout: 45+’ running at RPE 4 (doing 4:30 @RPE 4/ 30” @RPE 7)
- C workout: 35+’ running at RPE 4 (doing 4:30 @RPE 4/ 30” @RPE 7)

Strength Workouts: 
4 rounds, circuit format. Take 30" between rounds and try to finish as fast as possible:
- 10 burpees
- 10 TRX rows or pull ups, or lat pull down
- 1min Plank (you can rotate between 1min standard plank and Side plank – doing 30” on each side for the round)
- 10 push-ups (knees down as needed, but ideally do as many normal push-ups as you can before putting your knees down)
- 50 flutter kicks (counting one leg, so 100 kicks if counting both legs)
- 10 body weight squats


Friday, May 19, 2017

WFB Masters 05.19.17: Get after it!

Warm up:
10' solo
12x25 w/fins on 40" - kick/drill/swim x25's 
(800ish warm up) 

Main Set:
4x250 broken up
- 150 build on 10" rest
- 50 fast on 5" rest
- 50 easy on 30" rest
6x50 on 100/105
- #1-3: Fin on your right foot only
- #4-6: Fin on your left foot only
- Goal here is to get the foot without the fin to closely match the foot with the fin in kicking style.
5x100 on 10" rest
- GET AFTER IT!! aka hardest possible effort that you can maintain. 
(1800 main set/2600 total)

Warm down;
 200 easy
- Total: 2800 

WFB Masters 05.18.19: Medley and free options

Warm up:
10' solo
12x25 w/fins on 40" - kick/drill/swim x25's 
(800ish warm up) 

Main Set: Medley option
4x125 on 200/210/220
- 50 stroke FAST - 10" rest
- 75 easy free
Pulling: 200 - 175 - 150 - 125 - 100 - 75 - 50 - 25 (900 total pulling) 
- 10" rest between swims 
- Desc - as the distance gets shorter, you get faster. 
- Same deal as above but swimming faster on the 50's 
(1900 main set/2700 total) 

Main Set: Freestyle option
- 50 stroke FAST - 10" rest
- 75 easy free on 10" rest
Pulling: 200 - 175 - 150 - 125 - 100 - 75 - 50 - 25 (900 total pulling) 
- 10" rest between swims 
- Desc - as the distance gets shorter, you get faster. 
- Same deal as above but swimming faster on the 50's 
(1900 main set/2700 total) 

Add on for those hanging around: 
- 2x150 w/fins: kick/drill/swim x50
- 3x200 as 25 drill/75 swim. Then do D+K's set
- 3 rounds
-- 4x25 FAST with open water swim starts
-- 200 cruise
- 12x50 on 15" rest
-- #1-2: Breath on weak side/#3: normal side

Warm down
200 mixer
- Total: 2900 - not including the add on stuff for individuals. 

WFB Masters: 05.17.17 Things that equal 300

Warm up:
10' solo
12x25 w/fins on 40" - kick/drill/swim x25's 
(800ish warm up) 

Main Set: 
300 pull on 30" rest
2x150 on 20" rest
- 50 swim/kick/swim with no fins
4x75 on 120/130
- Breath every 7th, 5th, 3rd stroke by 25. 
- OR: Odds: Breath 5-3-5, Evens: breath 3-5-3
6x50 kick with fins on 100
- Desc: 2-2-2 
4x75 on 120/130
- Build and Desc
2x150 on 20" 
- 50 free/25 stroke
300 Pull - Negative Split
(2100 main set/2900 total) 

Warm down
200 mixer
- Total: 3100

WFB Masters 05.16.17: Medley day with free option

Warm up:
10' solo
12x25 w/fins on 40" - kick/drill/swim x25's 
(800ish warm up) 

Main Set: 3 rounds - Medley option
2x100 as 25 stroke/25 free on 130/145/200
200 Pull on 30" rest
- Breath every 3rd stroke
2x100 IM on 140/150/200
- Desc #1-2 and by round
(600 round/1800 main set/2600 total) 

Main Set: 3 rounds Freestyle option 
2x100 on 20" rest
- 50 breathing to your weak (non-dominant) side
- 50 normal free
200 Pull on 20" rest
- Breath every 3rd stroke
2x100 IM on 140/150/200
- Desc by round.
- Rd #1: 80
- Rd #2: 85%
- Rd #3: 90%
(600 round/1800 main set/2600 total) 

Add on set for those staying later: 
4x150 on 30" 
- kick/drill/swim x50
- Fins optional 
3x300 on 30" 
- Odd: Pull and 50 cruise/25 push
- Even: No gear and 50 cruise/25 stroke
(1500 set/4100 total) 

Warm down
200 mixer
- Total: 2800 or 4300

WFB Masters: 05.15.17 Distance day - Things that equal 600

Warm up:
10' solo
12x25 w/fins on 40" - kick/drill/swim x25's 
(800ish warm up) 

Main Set: Goal here is maximal swimming with little rest. So pick an interval that will give you 10-15" rest on everything except the 600. 
600 pull on 30" rest
- 100 cruise/50 push
8x75 on 115/120/130
- Odds: Breath every 5th stroke
- Evens: Breath every 3rd stroke
4x150 on 220/240/300+
- Desc #1-4
12x50 on 50/55/100
- #1-3: Strong
- #4: Easy
(2400 main set/3200 total) 

Add on set for those staying later: 
3x200 Pull on 20" rest
- Desc #1-3
6x100 on 10" rest
- Steady 75% 
(1200 set/4400 total) 

Warm down
200 mixer
- Total: 3400 or 4600 

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

WFB Masters 05.12.17: Sprint work

Warm up:
10' solo
12x25 w/fins on 40" - kick/drill/swim x25's.
- Drill of choice:
(800ish warm up)

Pulling Set #1: All on 15" rest
200 at 60%
150 at 70%
100 at 80%
50 at 90%
- just trying to rev the engines here for the next set
(500 set/1300 total)

Main Set: 2 rounds
2x100 Negative Split on 20" rest
50 FAST on 1:00/1:05/1:10
100 Negative Split on 20" rest
3x50 FAST on 1:00/1:05/1:10
100 easy
5x50 FAST on 1:00/1:05/1:10
(850 round/1700 set/3000 total)
**If you need a little less yardage then do 1x50, 2x50, 3x50 instead of 1x50, 3x50, 5x50. That cuts out 300 yards and puts you at 2700 total**

Add on set for those going till 6:30am:
8x75 on 20" rest
- #1-2: 25 cruise, 25 push, 25 cruise
- #3-4: 25 swim, 25 kick, 25 swim (with fins if you'd like)
300 swim - no gear
- Focus here is on your form, high elbows on your recovery with your hand staying below your elbow, leaving the lead hand out until you're at that 3/4 catch up mark and your face is back in the water, and within the pull having your elbow bend out towards the side of the pull as your first motion of forward propulsion.
(900 set/3900 total)

Warm down:
100 swim
100 kick
100 swim
- Total: 4200 or 3300 or 3000

WFB Masters 05.10.17: Pace work

Pace work today, the pace varies and I explain it on swimmer terms, triathlete terms, % effort, and general terms haha so pick what works for you.

Warm up:
10' solo
12x25 w/fins on 40" - kick/drill/swim x25's.
- Drill of choice:
(800ish warm up)

Main Set:
4x75 on 120/130
- Desc #1-4
200 Pace on 30" rest
- Pace = 800 pace, Sprint tri race pace, 85-90%, aka hard.
4x100 on 130/140/145
- Desc #1-4
- 50 of this must be breathing to your weak side
300 pace on 30"
- same as 200
4x150 Pull on 20" rest
- Chill effort - 60%
400 Pace on 30" rest
- Pace = Mile pace, Olympic Triathlon race pace, 80-85%, aka a small notch down from what we were doing.
**This is where most people ended the set - 2200 set/3000 total. Rest of set is below**
200 easy
4x100 pace on 130/145
- same pace as the 400
200 easy
16x25 on 40" interval
- Odds: Easy
- Evens: 20 yards hard, 5 yards easy
(3400 set/4200 total)

Warm down:
100 swim
100 kick
100 swim
- Total: 4500 or 3300

WFB Masters 05.09.17: Medley day

Warm up:
10' solo
12x25 w/fins on 40" - kick/drill/swim x25's.
- Drill of choice:
(800ish warm up)

Main Set: 3 rounds
3x50 on 100
- #1: Fly/Back
- #2: Back/Breast
- #3: Breast/Free
- Strong effort and focus on quick turns
50 easy
2x100 IM on 140/150/200
2x150 w/fins on 20" rest
- 50 swim/50 kick/50 swim
(700 round/2100 set/2900 total)

Don't recall what I had them do for the 6-6:30 group.

Warm down:
100 swim
100 kick
100 swim
- Total: 3200

WFB Masters 05.08.17: Distance Day

Warm up:
10' solo
12x25 w/fins on 40" - kick/drill/swim x25's.
- Drill of choice:
(800ish warm up)

Main Set:
600 pull on 30" rest
- Breathing every 3rd and 5th stroke by 50's.
6x50 on 15" rest
- #1-2: Build
- #3: Easy
400 pull on 30" rest
- 75 cruise/25 push
4x100 on 15"
- Desc #1-4
200 pull on 30" rest
- 80% effort
8x25 on 10" rest
- #1-3: Strong
- #4: Easy
(2100 set/2900 total)

Add on set:
8x75 on 120/130
- w/fins and paddles
- 50 strong/25 easy
8x25 on 15" rest
- #1-2: Fast w/paddles
- #3-4: Easy w/no gear
(800 set/3700 total)

Warm down:
100 swim
100 kick
100 swim
- Total: 4000 or 3200

Friday, May 5, 2017

WFB Masters 05.05.17: 5x100 best effort on 5:00

Warm up:
10' solo
12x25 on 40" w/fins - kick/drill/swim x25.
Drill of choice:
(800ish warm up)

Main Set: 

5x100 on 5:00 - yes, a 5 minute interval
- I'm looking for all out, as hard as you can go, best efforts here. With the extra rest, don't just sit back and have a cup of tea, I expect active recovery. Swim an easy 50 or 100, float around a bit, just make sure you're back to the wall with 30" to go so you can prep for the next one. 
(500+ set/1300+ total) 

Set after 5x100's: 

8x75 on 20" rest
- Odd: 50 free/25 breast stroke
- Even: 50 free/25 double arm backstroke
The focus on this set is stretching out the shoulders, pecs, hips and such, so don't rush the 25's of breast/back. Active recovery here. 
(600 set/1900+ total)

Add on for group that stays:
400 pull at 60%
300 as 50 free/25 back or breast
200 w/fins as 50 swim/50 kick
100 kick w/fins
(1000 set/2900+ total)

Warm down
100 swim
100 kick
100 swim
- Total: 1900+ or 2900+ This will vary based on how much you swam between the 100's.

WFB Masters 05.04.15: 2x300/3x200/6x100 Medley and Free options

Warm up:
10' solo
12x25 on 40" w/fins - kick/drill/swim x25.
Drill of choice:
(800ish warm up)

Main Set: Medley option
2x300 on 30" rest
- 25 stroke/50 free
3x200 on 20"
- 25 stroke/25 free
- Desc #1-3
6x100 on 20"
- #1: Fly/Back
- #2: Back/Breast
- #3: Breast/Free
- You can either do 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3 or #1-3 twice through. Depending if you want to get the fly out of the way or spread it out.
(1800 main/2600 total)

Main Set: Free option
2x300 on 30" rest
- Pull and every 3rd 25 is push
3x200 on 20"
- Build x50's
- Do at least one 50 of that 200 breathing to your weak side, probably easiest to make it the first 50.
6x100 on 20"
- Desc 2-2-2 from 70-90%
(1800 main/2600 total)

Warm down:
100 swim
100 kick
100 swim
- Total 2900

WFB Masters 05.03.17: vertical kicking and stuff

I'm getting this up a few days late, so I only have the main set and can't recall what I did after that. My apologies.

Warm up:
10' solo
12x25 on 40" w/fins - kick/drill/swim by 25.
Drill of choice:
(800ish warm up)

Main Set:
4x200 Pull
- #1: 60%/70% by 100s
- #2: 70/80%
- #3: 70/90%
- #4: 70/100%
6x50 starting in the middle of the pool (only place deep enough for vertical kicking)
- 75-80% swim effort
- 15" vertical kicking between 50's - no rest otherwise
- 50 breathing to weak side/50 normal
6x50 - same deal of vertical kicking and starting in the middle of the pool
(1800 main/2600 total)

Warm down:
100 swim
100 kick
100 swim
- 2900 total

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

WFB Masters 05.02.17: IM day with free option 100-75-50-25-200

Fun little mixer here for the IM set. Wrote it up the night before so I didn't forget it!

Warm up:
10' solo
12x25 w/fins on 40" - kick/drill/swim x25's
- drill: Either IM order or choice:
(800ish warm up)

Main Set: IM Option - do most everything on 20" rest with additional rest between rounds
100 IM
75 fly/back/breast
50 fly/back
25 fly
200 pull
100 IM
75 fly/back/breast
50 back/breast
25 back
200 pull
100 IM
75 fly/back/breast
50 back/breast
25 breast
200 pull
100 IM
75 fly/back/breast
50 breast/free
25 free
200 pull
(1800 main/2600 total)

Main Set: Freestyle option
- 4 rounds of this set - Everything on 20" rest, 1' rest between rounds
100 high elbow/low hand focus
75 build
50 breath every 5th stroke
25 FAST on
200 pull - cruise
(1800 main/2600 total)

Add on set 1:
- 4 rounds with fins -
25 fast swim on 10" rest
25 fast kick on 10" rest
50 easy on 30" rest
- Odd rounds: Fly for the Fast stuff
- Even rounds: Free for the fast stuff
(400 set/3000 total)

Add on set 2:
2x300 bookends on 30"
- 50 strong, 200 cruise, 50 strong
2x200 bookends on 30"
- 50 strong, 100 cruise, 50 strong
(1000 set/4000 total)

Warm down:
100 swim
100 kick
100 swim
- Total: 2900 to 4300

Monday, May 1, 2017

WFB Masters 05.01.17: Distance Sandwich

This is a classic go to for distance, at least for me. The Distance Sandwich. Starting and ending with a 600 pull with a smattering of other things in the middle.

Warm up:
10' solo
12x25 on 40" w/fins - kick/drill/swim x25
- Drill: Thumb drag from hip to arm pit:
(800ish warm up)

Main Set:
600 pull on 30" rest
- 50 cruise/25 push x8
6x50 on 100/105
- Odd: Breath every 5th stroke
- Even: Breath every 3rd stroke
6x25 on 30/35
- #1: Fast
- #2-3: Cruise
6x75 on 115/120
- Odd: Build
- Even: 50 breathing to your "weak" side - aka the side you don't normally breath to.
600 pull
- negative split
(2100 set/2900 total)

Add on set:
3x(50 easy swim, 2x25 fast kick w/board and no fins)
400 - every 4th 25 push on 30" rest
300 - every 3rd 25 push on 30" rest
200 - every other 25 push on 30" rest
100 all push
- push = 80-85%
(1300 set/4200 total)

Warm down
100 easy swim
100 kick
100 swim
- Total: 3200 or 4500