Saturday, July 30, 2016

CUW Training Plan: Week of 8/1/16

I had some time to read when flying back and forth from Ireland and I was able to finish a book called Extreme Ownership. With a Navy Seal and Business focus to the book it was full of great stories and great life lessons. I had two big take-a-ways:
1)      Prioritize and Execute: “Prioritize your problems and take care of them one at a time, the highest priority first. Don’t try to do everything at once or you won’t be successful” Similar to my message of last week, don’t try to do everything at once, make a list and knock out the highest priority item, even if it isn’t the quickest item on the list.
2)      Explaining “the why”: “Belief in the mission ties in with the fourth Law of Combat: Decentralized Command. The leader must explain not just what to do, but why.” I have been doing a good job of getting you workouts (most of the time) but I’ve been doing a crap job of explaining/telling y’all why we’re doing these workouts and what we’re leading up to. I will do better going forward and if you have any “why” questions, please don’t hesitate to ask!

Things that need to get done: 
1) Medical forms for Athletic Training - August 1st but please provide me an update of when this will be done.
2) USAT Membership Info: I need the Karten’s and Kochheiser to still fill out the forms (Don’t worry Allison, I know you’re at camp and spotty with the internet, just get it done when you can).
3) Aug 27th race: Let me know if you DON’T want to race the first race of the season on 8/27 in MN. It’s more of a laid back race that everyone will be able to race, so I’ll sign you up unless you tell me otherwise.

Week Layout: 
Monday: Swim #1 and Strength #1
Tuesday: Bike #1 and Run #1 (try to do one in the AM and one in the PM)
Wednesday: Swim #2 and Strength #2
Thursday: Bike #2 and Run #2
Friday: Swim #3 (and Run #3 if you want Sunday Off)
Saturday: Bike #3 and Hips
Sunday: Run #3 (or off day if you did this on Friday).

Individual Adjustments:
Olivia: Brick run after every bike workout, 15', much like Run #2. - continue with 2/1 system
Mary and Annie K: Do the best you can while in NOLA… aka try to do something active daily.
Meghan: Your runs are after the B workout for the run days, you'll see your name there. Just easing back into running so the shin splints don't come back.

Swim Workouts:
Swim #1: These are our distance days, building your aerobic endurance that will become the foundation of harder intervals and harder workouts. These are more important than you probably realize.
- A workout
Warm up: 
400 choice
6x50 kick w/fins on 15” rest
-        Desc 1-3, 4-6 to RPE 8
8x50 on 15” rest
-        Odd: Drill – choice
-        Even: Swim and focus on the timing that you’re working on in ¾ catch up drill.
(1100 warm up)

Main Set: Take a little extra rest after the 50’s to get your gear back on.
1x800 pull w/20" rest
-        150 cruise, 50 push
6x50 on 15” rest
-        Odds: Breath every 3rd stroke
-        Evens: Breath every 5th stroke
1x600 no gear on 30” rest
-        #1: Neg Split from RPE 4 to 6
6x50 on 15” rest
-        Odds: Breath every 3rd stroke
-        Evens: Breath every 5th stroke
1x400 no gear
-        #1: Build by 100’s from RPE 5 to 8
(2400 main set/3500 total)

Warm down: 
200 easy
- Total: 3700

- B workout
Warm up: 
200 swim easy
8x50 w/fins on 20" rest
- Odds: Drill - Choice
- Evens: Normal swimming, Work on that timing.
4x50 kick with a board and fins on - 10" rest
(800 warm up) 

Main Set: x2
1x400 pull w/20" rest
-        150 cruise, 50 push
6x25 on 15” rest
-        Odds: Breath every 3rd stroke
-        Evens: Breath every 5th stroke
1x300 no gear on 30” rest
-        #1: Neg Split from RPE 4 to 6
6x25 on 15” rest
-        Odds: Breath every 3rd stroke
-        Evens: Breath every 5th stroke
1x200 no gear
-        #1: Build by 50’s from RPE 5 to 8
 (1200 main set/2000 total)

Warm down: 
50 kick w/fins and board
50 easy swim on 20" rest
- Total: 2100

Swim #2: This workout is closer to a race paced style swim, you might have some harder broken up efforts (like today) or bookend efforts that will simulate going hard at the start of a race then settling into a steady pace.
- A workout
Warm up: 
300 choice
4x150 w/fins - 20" rest
- Odds: 100 kick build/50 swim
- Evens: 50 drill/100 swim build– drill of choice
(900 warm up)

Main Set
Broken 500:
-        200 @RPE 5w/10” rest, 2x100 @RPE 7 on 10” rest, 2x50 @RPE 8 on 5” rest (take an additional 30” rest after the last 50).
200 as 50 easy swim, 50 drill, 50 kick, 50 easy swim on 30” rest
Broken 400:
-        2x100 @RPE 7 on 10” rest, 4x50 @RPE 8 on 5” rest (take an additional 30” rest after the last 50).
200 as 50 easy swim, 50 drill, 50 kick, 50 easy swim on 30” rest
2x Broken 300:
-        50 ALL OUT w/10” rest, 150 @RPE 5 w/10” rest, 2x50 @RPE 8 w/5” rest (taking 30” extra between the 300’s).
200 as 50 easy swim, 50 drill, 50 kick, 50 easy swim on 30” rest
(2100 main set/3000 total) 
Warm down: 
100 easy
- Total: 3100

- B workout
Warm up: all on 20" rest
6x50 swim
4x50 kicking w/fins and board
6x50 drill w/fins
(800 warm up)

Main Set
Broken 300:
-        2x100 @RPE 6 on 15” rest, 2x50 @RPE 8 on 10” rest (take an additional 30” rest after the last 50).
100 as 50 easy swim, 25 drill, 25 easy swim on 30” rest
Broken 200:
-        100 @RPE 7 on 15” rest, 2x50 @RPE 8 on 10” rest (take an additional 30” rest after the last 50).
100 as 50 easy swim, 25 drill, 25 easy swim on 30” rest
2x Broken 100:
-        25 ALL OUT w/10” rest, 50 @RPE 5 w/15” rest, 25 ALL OUT (taking 30” extra between the 300’s).
100 as 50 easy swim, 25 drill, 25 easy swim on 30” rest
(1000 set/1800 total) 

Warm down: 
2x50 easy swim
- Total: 1900

Swim #3: This workout varies from really hard and short or to a focused pull set to work on strength. Since the last workout was fairly aggressive this one will be a bit more laid back with a higher focus on pulling with paddles and buoy.
- A workout
Warm up: all on 20-30" rest
300 choice
200 pull

Drill Set x2 w/fins and all on 10” rest
200 – 50 drill/50 swim
100 kick build to RPE 7
2x50 swim @RPE 7-8
(1300 warm up)

Main Set: On the Desc, only descend to about RPE 6-7. Staying mostly aerobic, which means #1 of 4 will be super easy, don’t let your mind wonder too much, it’s a great opportunity to think about your catch and play around with it to see if you can make it more effective.
4x200 pull, Desc 1-4, on 20” rest
4x75 on 20” rest – RPE 4 and no gear
4x100 pull, Desc 1-4 on 15” rest 
4x75 on 20” rest – RPE 4 and no gear
4x50 pull, Desc 1-4 on 10” rest 
(2000 main set/3300 total) 

Warm down: 
200 easy mixer
- Total: 3500

- B workout
Warm up: all on 20-30" rest
2x100 choice
200 pull

Drill Set x2 w/fins and all on 20” rest
100 – 50 drill/50 swim
100 kick build to RPE 7
2x25 swim @RPE 7-8
(900 warm up)

Main Set: On the Desc, only descend to about RPE 6-7. Staying mostly aerobic, which means #1 of 4 will be super easy, don’t let your mind wonder too much, it’s a great opportunity to think about your catch and play around with it to see if you can make it more effective.
4x100 pull, Desc 1-4, on 20” rest
4x50 on 20” rest – RPE 4 and no gear
4x75 pull, Desc 1-4 on 15” rest 
4x50 on 20” rest – RPE 4 and no gear
4x50 pull, Desc 1-4 on 10” rest 
(1300 main set/2200 total) 

Warm down: 
100 easy mixer
- Total: 2300

Bike Workouts:

Bike #1: Quick/Hard efforts – more designed as “leg openers” where there’s a short/hard effort but it’s not long enough to really tax your energy systems. It can be used to prep for harder workouts to come, i.e. Bike #2.
 - Total time: 45' 
Warm up: 20' @ RPE 3-4

Main Set: 6 rounds – topping out at 6 rounds, get after it!
- 30" @RPE 8 – it won’t feel like an 8 right off the bat, just think of a hard race effort like an 1 mile run or 500m swim, it’s a hard effort but not all out like we had been doing.
- 2:30 EASY, back at RPE 3-4.
(18' main set/38’ total)

Ride out the rest of the ride in RPE 3-5.

Bike #2: Over/Unders: These are designed to help your body adjust to the “ups and downs” of racing. Sometimes you’re going harder and sometimes you’re still going hard but not has hard. Training your body for this will help on race day when you need to respond to an attack, catch up to a group, or if you’re going up a hill. You’ll also become more comfortable at harder efforts.
Warm up: 15’
10' easy @RPE 3-4
1’ @RPE 5
1’ @RPE 6
1’ @RPE 7

Main Set x2: You’ll notice additional minutes at each step but also I upped the “easier” part by going to RPE 6 instead of 5. I also dropped it to 2 rounds since the main set is longer.
2’ @RPE 8
4’ @RPE 6
2’ @RPE 8
4’ @RPE 6
(16' rounds/32' set/47' total)

Remainder of ride @RPE 3-4
- Total Time 50'

Bike #3: Long Ride w/efforts: This is a staple ride, similar to the endurance swims, this is your foundation. Think of a pyramid, this is the base of the pyramid while Bike #2 is near the top of the pyramid. The bigger your base the bigger you can make the harder efforts and the longer you can hold them.
- Total Time: 60-80' 
- RPE 3-5
- Every 10’ starting on the 20’ mark; Do 2’ @RPE 6 (Basically warm up for 20min, do 2min @RPE 6 then 8min @RPE 3-5, repeat that 2min harder/8min normal until your ride is over)

Run Workouts:

Run #1: This is a harder interval run, basically helping you get a feel for “race pace” and how hard you can hold for a 5k. We’re slowly building up to longer intervals
- A workout: 
- Total time: 40'
Warm up:
Lunge Warm up:
- 15' @RPE 3-4 after lunge warm up
(20' or so warm up)

Main Set x3
1:30 @5k feel (not an all-out sprint, but RPE 8-9, starting to get a feel for race pace)
3:30 @RPE 4
(5' rounds/15' set/35’ total)

Warm down:
Easy RPE 3 running. Use the last 30” or so of the workout to walk and let the HR settle.

- B workout:
- Total time: 25'
Warm up:
Lunge Warm up:
- 2' @RPE 3-4 after lunge warm up
- 1' walk
(8' or so warm up)

Main Set x5
2' run RPE 4 **Last 45" of 2' run, pick it up to a 5k "feel", then walk**
1' walk
(15' main set/23' total)

Warm down:
1' easy jog, 1' walk

- Meghan: 25’ workout
5' walk warm up
5x (2' run, 1' walk)
5' walking warm down

Run #2: Brick run – This workout is designed to get your body used to running off the bike. It’s quite the adjustment so we practice this so it comes more naturally during races.
- A workout: 
15' Brick run, FYL (find your legs) **On the 5' & 10' mark, toss in a 20" 5k pick up, similar to run #1**
- B workout:
4x(2' run, 1' walk) = 12'
- Add 1' walk at the end to cool down.
- Meghan: Do the same workout as B group

Run #3: Long Run – Same deal as the long bike, a staple in the training plan that will set you up for success. Most people go too hard on these runs, don’t feel bad for holding back and keeping yourself aerobic (which means you can speak in full sentences without gasping for air).
- A workout:
60-70' of 4' run/1' walk - RPE 3-5.
- B workout: 
35-40' of 2' run/1' walk
- Meghan: 32’ workout
5' walk warm up
11x (1' run, 1' walk)
5' walking warm down

Strength Workouts: Do these as a circuit, which is where you do the 1st exercise then move directly into the 2nd exercise without rest. Once you finish the list, 1x through, you take rest before completing again for rounds 2 &3. Don't forget to allow time for stretching when done, Animal Series is my favorite but stretch out what needs it.

Strength #1:  With all of the strength training I’m hoping to build a better athlete. A lot of muscles get neglected during triathlon training and our bodies start to move in abnormal ways to counter balance muscle imbalances. The goal of strength training is to even things out and build a better engine for training and racing.
3x through:
- Front Squat x12
- Push up Protraction x12
- Straight Arm Bridges x12
- Hollow Hold for 40"
- Hollow Arch for 40"
- Rest 1-2' between rounds.

Videos: - w/Front Squat, you can use a pole, a stick, whatever. The main goal is to start working on the form since this is an exercise we’ll do in the weight room. Here’s a few video’s with options on it. 
Hollow/Arch Hold:

Strength #2: 
3x through:
- Reverse Lunge x10 per leg (do all right leg, then switch and do 8x left leg)
- Flutter kicks x50 per leg
- Squat Burpee’s x12
- Leg Lifts x15
- Plank Series: Left side, Center, Right side - you rotate from one to the next without a break! 30" of each variety (1:30 total plank time)
- Rest 1-2'

Reverse Lunge:
Side Plank:

- Do it as such: 1a, 1b, 1a, 1b, 2a, 2b, 2a, 2b, 3a, 3b, 3a, 3b. It's a weird pattern but that's how it's written.
(1) a. Plank w/ Leg Lifts: 2x10
b. Hip Activation Matrix: 2x10
(2) a. Single Leg Bridge: 2x10 (10 ea. leg)
b. Lateral Bands: 2x10
(3) a. Side Plank Leg Lift: 2x10 (ea. Leg)
b. Bird Dog (elbow to knee): 2x6 ea. side


Friday, July 15, 2016

CUW Training Plan: Week of 7/25/16

This is one of those times where it’s easy to get ahead of yourself, especially for me personally. I’m about to leave the country for a week and my mind is racing with everything I’m supposed to do, want to do, and actually need to do. I have to prioritize some things, meaning I’m ignoring other things, but no matter what I do it’s hard to give my full attention to anything right now. I have found it very useful in these situations to take a quick “time-out”, write down most everything that is swirling in my head (getting it out of my head to create “space”). From there I can prioritize the needs, wants, and would like to do’s. The key thing though, trying to stay focused on one thing at a time, finish that task, then move on. It’s about being present in the “now”. Chop Wood Carry Water. If you want to get something done, if you want to become better at something, you’ve got to put in the work. But rather than focusing on the final product, focus on every baby step as you’re taking it on your way towards that final product. What’s the best way to eat an elephant? One bite at a time. The trick is, once you’ve learned that skill or you think you’ve mastered something, you have got to keep that skill sharp by continuing to do it and continuing to practice otherwise it’ll be gone twice as fast. Before enlightenment, chop wood carry water, after enlightenment, chop wood carry water. 

Things that need to get done:  
1) Medical forms for Athletic Training - August 1st but please provide me an update of when this will be done.
2) There are probably other things, when they pop up I’ll send out a separate email.

Week Layout: 
Monday: Swim #1 and Strength #1
Tuesday: Bike #1 and Run #1 (try to do one in the AM and one in the PM)
Wednesday: Swim #2 and Strength #2
Thursday: Bike #2 and Run #2
Friday: Swim #3 (and Run #3 if you want Sunday Off)
Saturday: Bike #3 and Hips
Sunday: Run #3 (or off day if you did this on Friday).

Individual Adjustments:
Olivia: Brick run after every bike workout, 15', much like Run #2. - continue with 2/1 system
Mary and Annie K: Do the best you can while in NOLA… aka try to do something active daily. 
Meghan: Your runs are after the B workout for the run days, you'll see your name there. Just easing back into running so the shin splints don't come back.

Swim Workouts:
Swim #1:
- A workout
Warm up: 
400 choice
6x50 kick w/fins on 15” rest
-        Desc 1-3, 4-6 to RPE 8
8x50 on 15” rest
-        Odd: Drill – ¾ catch up
-        Even: Swim and focus on the timing that you’re working on in ¾ catch up drill.
(1100 warm up)

Main Set: Take a little extra rest after the 50’s to get your gear back on.
2x600 pull w/20" rest
-        #1: RPE 4
-        #2: Build by 200’s from RPE 4 to RPE 7
100 easy kick with fins if you’d like
2x400 no gear on 30” rest
-        #1: Neg Split from RPE 4 to 6
-        #2: Build by 100’s from RPE 5 to 8
100 easy kick with fins if you’d like
2x200 no gear on 20” rest
-        #1: Build by 50’s from RPE 5 to 8
-        #2: Crush it!
(2600 main set/3700 total)

Warm down: 
200 easy
- Total: 3900

- B workout
Warm up: 
200 swim easy
8x50 w/fins on 20" rest
- Odds: Drill - same thing as A workout, the timing works to when your “out of the water” hand is crossing by your shoulder that your face should already be in the water and you’ll start pulling with your “in the water” hand.
- Evens: Normal swimming, Work on that timing.
4x50 kick with a board and fins on - 10" rest
(800 warm up) 

Main Set: x2
2x300 pull w/40" rest
-        #1: RPE 4
-        #2: Build by 100’s from RPE 4 to RPE 7
100 easy kick with fins if you’d like
2x200 no gear on 30” rest
-        #1: Neg Split from RPE 4 to 6
-        #2: Build by 50’s from RPE 5 to 8
100 easy kick with fins if you’d like
2x100 no gear on 20” rest
-        #1: Build by 25’s from RPE 5 to 8
-        #2: Crush it!
 (1400 main set/2200 total)

Warm down: 
50 kick w/fins and board
50 easy swim on 20" rest
- Total: 2300

Swim #2:
- A workout
Warm up: 
300 choice
4x150 w/fins - 20" rest
- Odds: 100 kick build/50 swim
- Evens: 50 drill/100 swim build– drill of choice
(900 warm up)

Main Set
400 Pull @RPE 4
8x100 on 10” rest
-        #1: RPE 3-4
-        #2-4: RPE 6
-        #5: RPE 3-4
-        #6-8: RPE 7-8
400 Pull @RPE 4 – focus on your hips and having that drive your body rotation.
8x50 on 10” rest
-        #1: RPE 3-4
-        #2-4: RPE 7-8
-        #5: RPE 3-4
-        #6-8: RPE 8-9
400 Pull @RPE 4 – focus on elbows out during your pull – aka keeping an early vertical forearm even though you might be tired.
(2400 main set/3300 total) 
Warm down: 
100 easy
- Total: 3400

- B workout
Warm up: all on 20" rest
6x50 swim
4x50 kicking w/fins and board
6x50 drill w/fins
(800 warm up)

Main Set
200 Pull @RPE 4
8x50 on 10” rest
-        #1: RPE 3-4
-        #2-4: RPE 6
-        #5: RPE 3-4
-        #6-8: RPE 7-8
200 Pull @RPE 4 – focus on your hips and having that drive your body rotation.
8x25 on 10” rest
-        #1: RPE 3-4
-        #2-4: RPE 7-8
-        #5: RPE 3-4
-        #6-8: RPE 8-9
200 Pull @RPE 4 – focus on elbows out during your pull – aka keeping an early vertical forearm even though you might be tired.
1200 set/2000 total) 

Warm down: 
2x50 easy swim
- Total: 2100

Swim #3:
- A workout
Warm up: all on 20-30" rest
300 choice
200 pull

Drill Set x3 w/fins and all on 10” rest
200 – 50 drill/50 swim
100 kick build to RPE 7
2x50 swim @RPE 7-8
(1700 warm up)

Main Set:
6x150 w/paddles only (If you don’t have paddles then do buoy only).
-        RPE 6-7 on all of these and 15” rest
(900 main set/2600 total) 

Warm down: 
200 easy mixer
- Total: 2800

- B workout
Warm up: all on 20-30" rest
2x100 choice
200 pull

Drill Set x3 w/fins and all on 20” rest
100 – 50 drill/50 swim
100 kick build to RPE 7
2x25 swim @RPE 7-8
(1150 warm up)

Main Set:
6x100 w/paddles only (If you don’t have paddles then do buoy only).
-        RPE 6-7 on all of these and 20-30” rest
(600 main set/1750 total) 

Warm down: 
150 easy mixer
- Total: 1900

Bike Workouts:

Bike #1:BGB's – adding a 5th round on the main set
- Total time: 45' 
Warm up: 15' @ RPE 3-4

Main Set: 6 rounds – topping out at 6 rounds, get after it!
- 30" ALL OUT effort. Shift into a harder gear, so it'll take a lot of force to start pedaling again, Slow down to a near stop (aka under 5mph), then start that 30" all-out effort, it's called a Big Gear Burst (BGB)
- 4:30 EASY, back at RPE 3-4.
(30' main set)

Use the last few mins as your warm down.

Bike #2: Over/Unders
Warm up: 15’
10' easy @RPE 3-4
1’ @RPE 5
1’ @RPE 6
1’ @RPE 7

Main Set x3: Starting to step things up!
1’ @RPE 8
3’ @RPE 5
1’ @RPE 8
3’ @RPE 5
(10' rounds/30' set/45' total)

Remainder of ride @RPE 3-4
- Total Time 50'

Bike #3: Long Ride w/efforts
- Total Time: 60-80' 
- RPE 3-5
- Every 10’ starting on the 20’ mark; Do 2’ @RPE 6 (Basically warm up for 20min, do 2min @RPE 6 then 8min @RPE 3-5, repeat that 2min harder/8min normal until your ride is over)

Run Workouts:

Run #1:
- A workout: 
- Total time: 40'
Warm up:
Lunge Warm up:
- 15' @RPE 3-4 after lunge warm up
(20' or so warm up)

Main Set x4
1’ @5k feel (not an all out sprint, but RPE 8-9, starting to get a feel for race pace)
4’ @RPE 4
(5' rounds/20' set/40 total)

Warm down:
Easy RPE 3 running. Use the last 30” or so of the workout to walk and let the HR settle.

- B workout:
- Total time: 25'
Warm up:
Lunge Warm up:
- 2' @RPE 3-4 after lunge warm up
- 1' walk
(8' or so warm up)

Main Set x5
2' run RPE 4 **Last 30" of 2' run, pick it up to a 5k "feel", then walk**
1' walk
(15' main set/23' total)

Warm down:
1' easy jog, 1' walk

- Meghan: 22’ workout
5' walk warm up
4x (2' run, 1' walk)
5' walking warm down

Run #2: Brick run
- A workout: 
15' Brick run, FYL (find your legs) **On the 5' & 10' mark, toss in a 15" 5k pick up, similar to run #1**
- B workout:
4x(2' run, 1' walk) = 12'
- Add 1' walk at the end to cool down.
- Meghan: Do the same workout as B group

Run #3: Long Run
- A workout:
60-70' of 4' run/1' walk - RPE 3-5.
- B workout: 
35-40' of 2' run/1' walk
- Meghan: 30’ workout
5' walk warm up
10x (1' run, 1' walk)
5' walking warm down

Strength Workouts: Do these as a circuit, which is where you do the 1st exercise then move directly into the 2nd exercise without rest. Once you finish the list, 1x through, you take rest before completing again for rounds 2 &3. Don't forget to allow time for stretching when done, Animal Series is my favorite but stretch out what needs it.

Strength #1: 
3x through:
- Front Squat x10
- Push up Protraction x10
- Straight Arm Bridges x10
- Hollow Hold for 35"
- Hollow Arch for 35"
- Rest 1-2' between rounds.

Videos: - w/Front Squat, you can use a pole, a stick, whatever. The main goal is to start working on the form since this is an exercise we’ll do in the weight room. Here’s a few video’s with options on it. 
Hollow/Arch Hold:

Strength #2: 
3x through:
- Reverse Lunge x8 per leg (do all right leg, then switch and do 8x left leg)
- Flutter kicks x50 per leg
- Squat Burpee’s x10
- Leg Lifts x10
- Plank Series: Left side, Center, Right side - you rotate from one to the next without a break! Let's start out with 30" of each variety (1:30 total plank time)
- Rest 1-2'

Reverse Lunge:
Side Plank:

- Do it as such: 1a, 1b, 1a, 1b, 2a, 2b, 2a, 2b, 3a, 3b, 3a, 3b. It's a weird pattern but that's how it's written.
(1) a. Plank w/ Leg Lifts: 2x10
b. Hip Activation Matrix: 2x10
(2) a. Single Leg Bridge: 2x10 (10 ea. leg)
b. Lateral Bands: 2x10
(3) a. Side Plank Leg Lift: 2x10 (ea. Leg)
b. Bird Dog (elbow to knee): 2x6 ea. side


CUW Training Plan: Week of 7/18/16

6 weeks till race #1!!! Things are starting to come together, orders for gear are being placed, and I’m getting pumped for y’all to get to campus so we can get this party going!

Things that need to get done: 

1) Medical forms for Athletic Training - August 1st but please provide me an update of when this will be done.
2) There are probably other things, when they pop up I’ll send out a separate email.

Week Layout: 
Monday: Swim #1 and Strength #1
Tuesday: Bike #1 and Run #1 (try to do one in the AM and one in the PM)
Wednesday: Swim #2 and Strength #2
Thursday: Bike #2 and Run #2
Friday: Swim #3 (and Run #3 if you want Sunday Off)
Saturday: Bike #3 and Hips
Sunday: Run #3 (or off day if you did this on Friday).

Individual Adjustments:
Olivia: Brick run after every bike workout, 15', much like Run #2. - continue with 2/1 system
Mary and Annie K: Do the best you can while in NOLA… aka try to do something active daily.
Meghan: Your runs are after the B workout for the run days, you'll see your name there. Just easing back into running so the shin splints don't come back.

Swim Workouts:

Swim #1:
- A workout
Warm up: 
4x300 on 20-30" rest
- #1: Choice
- #2: w/fins - kick/swim x50's 
- #3: w/fins - drill/swim x50's 
- #4: Breath every 5th stroke for a 50, then every 3rd stroke for a 50, repeat. 
*Drill: 6/3/6 – 6 kicks with R arm in front and L arm by side, 3 strokes, 6 kicks on the other side with L arm in front. Focus on “riding the rail” by imagining a metal pole going from your right finger tips and running through your body all the way to the toes on your right foot. Same deal when switching to the left side. Keeping tension in your core to hold that straight line. FACE is in the water, tucked up next to your arm pit.
(1200 warm up)

Main Set: Take a little extra rest after the 50’s to get your gear back on.
600 pull @RPE 4 w/20" rest
6x50 on 15” rest
-        Odds: Breath every 3rd stroke
-        Evens: RPE 6-7
400 pull @RPE 4 w/20" rest
6x50 on 15” rest – working on varying pace here
-        Odds: 25 @RPE 8, 25 @RPE 6
-        Evens: 25 @RPE 6, 25 @RPE 8
200 pull @RPE 4 w/20" rest
6x50 on 15” rest
-        Odds: @RPE 8
-        Evens: @RPE 6
 (2100 main set/3300 total)

Warm down: 
200 easy
- Total: 3500

- B workout
Warm up: 
200 swim easy
8x50 w/fins on 20" rest
- Odds: Drill - same thing as A workout, mainly working on body awareness in the water.
- Evens: Normal swimming, thinking about riding that rail when you’re turning to breath… aka don’t let that lead hand drop down.
4x50 kick with a board and fins on - 10" rest
(800 warm up) 

Main Set: x2
300 pull @RPE 3-4 - 45-60" rest
6x25 on 15” rest
-        Odds: Breath every 3rd stroke
-        Evens: RPE 6-7
200 pull @RPE 3-4 - 45-60" rest
6x25 on 15” rest
-        Odds: @RPE 8
-        Evens: @RPE 6
100 pull @RPE 3-4 - 45-60" rest
6x25 on 15” rest – more of the same.
-        Odds: @RPE 8
-        Evens: @RPE 6
 (950 main set/1750 total)

Warm down: 
50 kick w/fins and board
2x50 easy swim on 20" rest

- Total: 1900

Swim #2:
- A workout
Warm up: 
300 choice
4x150 w/fins - 20" rest
- Odds: 100 kick build/50 swim
- Evens: 50 drill/100 swim – drill of choice
(900 warm up)

Main Set x3 – all on 20” rest
200 @RPE 4-5
150 @RPE 6
100 @RPE 7
50 @RPE 9
(1500 main set/2400 total) 

Pull Set:
4x100 on 20” rest
-        Odds: Breath every 3rd stroke
-        Evens: Breath every 5th stroke
-        RPE 4-5 on all of these
(400 pull set/2800 total)

Warm down: 
200 easy
- Total: 3000

- B workout
Warm up: all on 20" rest
6x50 swim
4x50 kicking w/fins and board
6x50 drill w/fins
(800 warm up)

Main Set x2 – all on 30” rest
200 @RPE 4-5
150 @RPE 6
100 @RPE 7
50 @RPE 9
(1000 main set/1800 total) 

Warm down: 
2x50 easy swim
- Total: 1900

Swim #3:
- A workout
Warm up: all on 20-30" rest
300 choice
200 build x50's
300 kick/swim x50's w/fins
200 build x50's
300 drill/swim x50's w/fins
(1300 warm up)

Main Set: Jacob’s Ladder x3
*Take 10” rest on everything and swim @RPE 7-8 the whole time*
100 kick as recovery – take 40” rest here
(1800 main set/3100 total) 

Warm down: 
200 easy mixer
- Total: 3300

- B workout
Warm up: all on 20-30" rest
100 choice
100 build x25's
200 kick/swim x50's w/fins
100 build x25's
200 drill/swim x50's w/fins
(700 warm up)

Main Set: Jacob’s Ladder x2
*Take 15” rest on everything and swim @RPE 7-8 the whole time*
100 kick w/fins as recovery – take 40” rest here
(1000 main set/1700 total) 

Warm down: 
50 easy swim
50 kick w/fins
2x50 easy swim
- Total: 1900  

Bike Workouts:

Bike #1:BGB's – adding a 5th round on the main set
- Total time: 45' 
Warm up: 15' @ RPE 3-4

Main Set: 5 rounds
- 30" ALL OUT effort. Shift into a harder gear, so it'll take a lot of force to start pedaling again, Slow down to a near stop (aka under 5mph), then start that 30" all-out effort, it's called a Big Gear Burst (BGB)
- 4:30 EASY, back at RPE 3-4.
(25' main set)

Remaining 5': Ride at RPE 4-5. 

Bike #2: Single Leg Drills
Warm up:
15' easy @RPE 3-4

Main Set x4:
- 60" right leg only
- 60" left leg only
- 3' @RPE 4
(5' rounds/20' set/35' total)

Remainder of ride @RPE 4-5
- Total Time 45'

Bike #3: Long Ride w/efforts
- Total Time: 60-80' 
- RPE 3-5
- Every 10’ starting on the 20’ mark; Do 1’ @RPE 6 (Basically warm up for 20min, do 1min @RPE 6 then 9min @RPE 3-5, repeat that 1min harder/9min normal until your ride is over)

Run Workouts:

Run #1:
- A workout: 
- Total time: 35'
Warm up:
Lunge Warm up:
- 10' @RPE 3-4 after lunge warm up
(15' or so warm up)

Main Set x4
45" @5k feel (not an all out sprint, but RPE 8-9, starting to get a feel for race pace)
4:15 @RPE 4
(5' rounds/20' set/35 total)

Warm down: Use the last 30” or so of the workout to walk and let the HR settle.

- B workout:
- Total time: 25'
Warm up:
Lunge Warm up:
- 2' @RPE 3-4 after lunge warm up
- 1' walk
(8' or so warm up)

Main Set x5
2' run RPE 4 **Last 20" of 2' run, pick it up to a 5k "feel", then walk**
1' walk
(15' main set/23' total)

Warm down:
1' easy jog, 1' walk

- Meghan: 22’ workout
5' walk warm up
6x (1' run, 1' walk)
5' walking warm down

Run #2: Brick run
- A workout: 
15' Brick run, FYL (find your legs) **On the 5' & 10' mark, toss in a 15" 5k pick up, similar to run #1**
- B workout:
4x(2' run, 1' walk) = 12'
- Add 1' walk at the end to cool down.
- Meghan: Do the same workout as B group

Run #3: Long Run
- A workout:
50-60' of 4' run/1' walk - RPE 3-5.
- B workout: 
35' of 2' run/1' walk
- Meghan: 25’ workout
5' walk warm up
8x (1' run, 1' walk)
4' walking warm down

Strength Workouts: Do these as a circuit, which is where you do the 1st exercise then move directly into the 2nd exercise without rest. Once you finish the list, 1x through, you take rest before completing again for rounds 2 &3. Don't forget to allow time for stretching when done, Animal Series is my favorite but stretch out what needs it.

Strength #1: 
3x through:
- Front Squat x10 – you don’t have to use weight, but use something to simulate a bar so you can work on form.
- Push up Protraction x10
- Straight Arm Bridges x10 (no need for the backpack - make sure you pause and hold for 1-2" at the top).
- Hollow Hold for 35"
- Hollow Arch for 35"
- Rest 1-2' between rounds.

Videos: - w/Front Squat, you can use a pole, a stick, whatever. The main goal is to start working on the form since this is an exercise we’ll do in the weight room. Here’s a few video’s with options on it.
Hollow/Arch Hold:

Strength #2: 
3x through:
- Split Squats x8 per leg (do all right leg, then switch and do 8x left leg)
- Push ups x10 (do them normally if you can, if not then knees down)
- Flutter kicks x50 per leg
- Leg Lifts x10
- Mountain Climbers x50 total (25 per leg)
- Plank Series: Left side, Center, Right side - you rotate from one to the next without a break! Let's start out with 25" of each variety (1:15 total plank time)
- Rest 1-2'

Split Squat:
Side Plank:

- Do it as such: 1a, 1b, 1a, 1b, 2a, 2b, 2a, 2b, 3a, 3b, 3a, 3b. It's a weird pattern but that's how it's written.
(1) a. Plank w/ Leg Lifts: 2x10
b. Hip Activation Matrix: 2x10
(2) a. Single Leg Bridge: 2x10 (10 ea. leg)
b. Lateral Bands: 2x10
(3) a. Side Plank Leg Lift: 2x10 (ea. Leg)
b. Bird Dog (elbow to knee): 2x6 ea. side
