Friday, June 17, 2016

CUW Training Plan: Week of 6/27/16

Here's the training for the last week of June, heading into the 4th of July. I am sending this out early, so please don't confuse it with the week prior.

Week Layout: 
Monday: Swim #1 and Strength #1
Tuesday: Bike #1 and Run #1 (try to do one in the AM and one in the PM)
Wednesday: Swim #2 and Strength #2
Thursday: Bike #2 and Run #2
Friday: Swim #3 (and Run #3 if you want Sunday Off)
Saturday: Bike #3 and Hips
Sunday: Run #3 (or off day if you did this on Friday).

Individual Adjustments:
Olivia: Brick run after every bike workout, 10-15', much like Run #2. - continue with 2/1 system
Mary K: Do swim #3 on Thursday. You can move Bike/Run #2 to Friday, Run #3 on Saturday, Bike #3 on Sunday. That'd probably work best.
Meghan: Alrighty! We're running this week, not the workouts in each run that have your name on it.

Swim Workouts:
Swim #1:
- A workout
Warm up: 
4x200 on 20-30" rest
- #1: Choice
- #2: w/fins - kick/swim x50's 
- #3: w/fins - drill/swim x50's 
- #4: Breath every 5th stroke for a 50, then every 3rd stroke for a 50, repeat. 
*Drill: Watch the 1st two video's (Early Vertical Forearm and jonnyo tip of the week 5) and focus on an early catch with a high elbow on the drill portion. Move your arms SLOWLY and try to feel the difference. 
(800 warm up)

Main Set: x3
400 pull @RPE 4 w/20" rest
200 no gear, build from RPE 4 to 7 by 50's - 20" rest
100 no gear, 50 @RPE 6, 50 @RPE 8 - 45" rest, allowing time to get gear on. 
(2100 main set/2900 total)

Warm down: 
100 easy
- Total: 3000

- B workout
Warm up: 
200 swim easy
8x50 w/fins on 20" rest
- Odds: Drill - same thing as A workout, focus on EVF and move the arms a bit slower. 
- Evens: Normal swimming, trying to implement the EVF into normal swim stroke. 
4x25 kick with a board and fins on - 10" rest
(700 warm up) 

Main Set: x2
250 pull @RPE 3-4 - 45-60" rest
100 no gear - build from RPE 4 to 7 by 25's - 30" rest
50 no gear - Fast - 45" rest, giving you some time to put pull gear on. 
(800 main set/1500 total)

Warm down: 
100 kick w/fins and board
2x50 easy swim on 20" rest
- Total: 1700

Swim #2:
- A workout
Warm up: 
300 choice
4x150 w/fins - 20" rest
- Odds: 100 kick/50 swim
- Evens: 50 drill/100 swim
(900 warm up)

Main Set
4x500 on 30" rest
- #1: Pull - every 5th 25 Fast (aka 100 cruise, 25 fast - repeat 4x)
- #2: Pull - Neg Split
- #3: Every 5th 25 stroke
- #4: 50 @RPE 4, 50 @RPE 6
(2000 main set/2900 total) 

Warm down: 
100 easy
- Total: 3000

- B workout
Warm up: all on 20" rest
6x50 swim
4x50 kicking w/fins and board
6x50 drill w/fins
(800 warm up)

Main Set
4x200 on 30" rest
- #1: Pull - every 4th 25 Fast (aka 75 cruise, 25 fast - repeat 2x)
- #2: Pull - Neg Split
- #3: RPE 5
- #4: 50 @RPE 4, 50 @RPE 6
(800 main set/1600 total)

Warm down: 
100 kick w/board
2x50 easy swim
- Total: 1800

Swim #3: GOAL 50'S
- A workout
Warm up: all on 20-30" rest
300 choice
200 build x50's
300 kick/swim x50's w/fins
200 build x50's
300 drill/swim x50's w/fins
(1300 warm up)

Main Set: Goal 50's. Pick a 50's time that is fairly aggressive, RPE 8-9.
30x50 on 1:00 
- Example: 41 seconds goal time. That gives you 19" rest, you're always LEAVING on the 1:00, not resting for a minute. You're trying to touch on the 41" every time. The first 10 don't really hurt, middle 10 tickle a bit, the last 10 is where you earn it. Control your breathing! 
(1500 main set/2800 total) 

Warm down: 
200 easy mixer
- Total: 3000

- B workout
Warm up: all on 20-30" rest
100 choice
100 build x25's
200 kick/swim x50's w/fins
100 build x25's
200 drill/swim x50's w/fins
(700 warm up)

Main Set: Goal 50's Similar to A's workout but less 50's and more rest. 
15x50 on 20" rest - but PICK AN INTERVAL. Which means you'll need to pick an interval that will give you roughly 20" rest consistently. If you're normally touching the wall in 55" for a 50, then go on 1:15's. This will require some math, start getting used to it ;-) 
- If 1:15's then know you're going on the 15/30/45/00 second marks. 
- If 1:20's then it's 20/40/00" second marks. 
- Figure out what yours will be and stick to it! 
(750 main set/1450 total)

Warm down: 
50 easy swim
100 kick w/fins
2x50 easy swim
- Total: 1700  

Bike Workouts:
Bike #1:
- Total time: 45' 
- All @RPE 3-5
*Focus today on changing gears and learning about your gears. If the chain goes up in the back, is that harder or easier? If it goes down in the back, harder or easier? 

Bike #2: Single Leg Drills
Warm up:
15' easy @RPE 3-4

Main Set x5: 
- 30" right leg only
- 30" left leg only
- 3' @RPE 4
(4' rounds/20' set/35' total)

Remainder of ride @RPE 4-5
- Total Time 45'

Bike #3: Long Ride
- Total Time: 60-80' 
- RPE 3-5

Run Workouts:
Run #1:
- A workout: 
- Total time: 35'
Warm up:
Lunge Warm up:
- 10' @RPE 3-4 after lunge warm up
(15' or so warm up)

Main Set x4
15" pick up @5k feel (not an all out sprint, but RPE 9, just designed to increase the leg turnover and get the body moving for a few seconds)
4:45 @RPE 4
(5' rounds/20' set/35 total)

Warm down: Use the last minute of the workout to walk and let the HR settle.

- B workout:
- Total time: 25'
Warm up:
Lunge Warm up:
- 2' @RPE 3-4 after lunge warm up
- 1' walk
(8' or so warm up)

Main Set x5
2' run RPE 4 **Last 10" of 2' run, pick it up to a 5k "feel", then walk**
1' walk
(15' main set/23' total)

Warm down:
1' easy jog, 1' walk

Run #2: Brick run
- A workout: 
15' Brick run, FYL (find your legs) **On the 5' & 10' mark, toss in a 15" 5k pick up, similar to run #1**
- B workout:
4x(2' run, 1' walk) = 12'
- Add 1' walk at the end to cool down.

Run #3: Long Run
- A workout:
55' of 4' run/1' walk - RPE 3-5.
- B workout: 
35' of 2' run/1' walk

Strength Workouts:- Do these as a circuit, which is where you do the 1st exercise then move directly into the 2nd exercise without rest. Once you finish the list, 1x through, you take rest before completing again for rounds 2 &3. Don't forget to allow time for stretching when done, Animal Series is my favorite but stretch out what needs it.

Strength #1: 
3x through:
- Wall Sit - 30" 
- Yoga/Dive Bomber push ups x2-3: The key is to go forward and back the same way, thus giving your shoulders a workout as well.
- Straight Arm Bridges x10 (no need for the backpack - make sure you pause and hold for 1-2" at the top).
- Hollow Hold for 30"
- Hollow Arch for 30"
- Rest 1-2' between rounds.

Wall Sit:
Yoga PU – “Dive Bomber”:
Hollow/Arch Hold:

Strength #2: 
3x through:
- Body Weight Squats x15
- Push ups x10 (do them normally if you can, if not then knees down)
- Flutter kicks x50 per leg
- Leg Lifts x10
- Mountain Climbers x50 total (25 per leg)
- Plank Series: Left side, Center, Right side - you rotate from one to the next without a break! Let's start out with 20" of each variety (60" total plank time)
- Rest 1-2'

Body Weight Squat:
Push ups:
Flutter Kicks:
Leg Lifts:
Side Plank:

- Do it as such: 1a, 1b, 1a, 1b, 2a, 2b, 2a, 2b, 3a, 3b, 3a, 3b. It's a weird pattern but that's how it's written.
(1) a. Plank w/ Leg Lifts: 2x10
b. Hip Activation Matrix: 2x10
(2) a. Single Leg Bridge: 2x10 (10 ea. leg)
b. Lateral Bands: 2x10
(3) a. Side Plank Leg Lift: 2x10 (ea. Leg)
b. Bird Dog (elbow to knee): 2x6 ea. side


Thursday, June 16, 2016

CUW Training Plan: Week of 6/20/16

Here we are ladies, back to the grind! I'll try not to overload y'all with too much too soon, just let me know if you have problems getting all the work done, which some of you have, in which we can adjust as needed but usually it comes down to a "just do the best you can" given your circumstances and opportunities.

Week Layout: 
Monday: Swim #1 and Strength #1
Tuesday: Bike #1 and Run #1 (try to do one in the AM and one in the PM)
Wednesday: Swim #2 and Strength #2
Thursday: Bike #2 and Run #2
Friday: Swim #3 (and Run #3 if you want Sunday Off)
Saturday: Bike #3 and Hips
Sunday: Run #3 (or off day if you did this on Friday).

Individual Adjustments:
Olivia: Brick run after every bike workout, 10-15', much like Run #2. - continue with 2/1 system
Mary K: Do swim #3 on Thursday. You can move Bike/Run #2 to Friday, Run #3 on Saturday, Bike #3 on Sunday. That'd probably work best.
Meghan: No running till 6/20, same as last week, stretch and swim more. And now you can ride bikes!!!!

Swim Workouts:
Swim #1:
- A workout
Warm Up:
400 choice
300 kick/swim x50's w/fins
200 drill/swim x50's w/fins
100 breath every 3rd stroke
- 20" rest on everything
(1000 warm up)

Main Set:
200 @RPE 4-5 - 20" rest
400 as 75 swim/25 kick - 30" rest
600 Pull - Neg Split to RPE 7 - 30" rest
400 Pull - 25 Fast, 75 EZ - 20" rest
200 @RPE 4-5
(1800 main set/2800 total)

Warm down:
100 kick
100 easy swim
- 3000 total

- B workout:
Warm up: 2 rounds of the below
4x50 easy swimming - 20" rest
4x25 kick - 15" rest - Desc 1-4.
4x25 drill - 15" rest
*Drills: Straight arm recovery (from video link up top) - focus here is rotating the shoulders/upper body in the water so that one shoulder is pointing up towards the sky and the other is pointing down towards the bottom of the pool.
(800 warm up)

Main Set:
3x200 on 30" rest
- #1&2: Pull - RPE 4
- #3: No gear, build by 50's (aka start easy and with each 50 you try to get a little faster).
8x25 on 15" rest
- Odds: FAST
- Evens: Easy
*Keep your form in check so you're not getting too sloppy on the easy or hard efforts.
(800 main set/1600 total)

Warm down:
4x25 w/fins
- Odds: kick w/board
- Evens: swim easy, focused on good form.
- Total: 1700

Swim #2:

- A workout
Warm up:
3x300 on 30" rest
- #1: choice
- #2&3: 50 drill/50 swim with fins
*Drills: 1st 300 = Catch-up Freestyle with underwater recovery. 2nd 300 = 3/4 catch up.
(900 warm up)

Main Set x4
200 @RPE 4
150 @RPE 5
100 @RPE 6-7
50 @ RPE 7-8
- Take 15" rest on each, after every round take an extra 15-30" rest
- Pull rounds #1&2, No gear for rounds 3&4
(2000 main set/2900 total)

Warm down:
200 as 25 kick, 25 drill, 50 swim.
- Total: 3100

- B workout
Warm up
6x100 on 20" rest
- #1: choice
- #2: Kick w/fins and board (kick the full 100)
- #3: 50 drill/50 swim w/fins
*Drill: Fingertip Drag
(600 warm up)

Main Set x4
100 @RPE 4
75 @RPE 5
50 @RPE 6-7
25 @RPE 7-8
- Take 20" rest on everything, after every round take an additional 40" rest
- Pull rounds #1&2, No gear for rounds 3&4
(1000 main set/1600 total)

Warm down: done w/fins on
4x50 on 20" rest
- Odds: Kick w/board
- Evens: easy swimming
- Total: 1800

Swim #3:
**FCF = Fast/Cruise/Fast aka the opposite of what we did two weeks ago. Cruise is RPE 3-4, Fast is RPE 7-8. This will be a race like simulation, starting fast, settling into things, then finishing strong. **

- A workout
Warm up: 20" rest on all
300 choice
- Fins on -
200 kick build by 50's
12x50 on 10" rest
- #1: Drill
- #2/4: Build
- #3: Kick w/board
*Repeat #1-4 three times.
*Drills of choice.
(1100 warm up)

Main Set:
2x400 FCF on 20"
- 50 Fast, 300 cruise, 50 Fast
2x300 FCF on 20"
- 75/150/75
2x200 FCF on 20"
- 50/100/50
2x100 FCF on 20"
- 50/25/25
(2000 main set/3100 total)

Warm down
200 easy choice
- Total: 3300

- B workout

Warm up: 20" rest on all
200 choice
- Fins on -
12x50 on 10" rest
- #1: Drill
- #2/4: Build
- #3: Kick w/board
*Repeat #1-4 three times.

*Drills of choice. 
(800 warm up)

Main Set
2x200 FCF on 40" rest
- 25 Fast, 150 Cruise, 25 Fast
2x150 FCF on 30" rest
- 50/50/50
2x100 FCF on 20" rest
- 25/50/25
(900 main set/1700 total)

Warm down:
8x25 w/fins
#1-4: Kick w/board
#5-8: Swim easy
(1900 total)

Bike Workouts:

Bike #1:
- Total time: 45'
Warm up:
20' @RPE 3-4

Main Set x10
30" High Cadence - RPE 4-5, NOT a big gear burst, just high cadence without bouncing in your saddle.
30" soft pedal
(10' set/30' total)

Remainder of workout @RPE 4

Bike #2: Single leg drills
Warm up:
15' easy @RPE 3-4

Main Set x5: 
- 20" right leg only
- 20" left leg only
- 20" both legs
- 3' @RPE 4
(4' rounds/20' set/35' total)
*Remember to focus on a smooth pedal stroke: - video reference:

Remainder of ride @RPE 4-5
- Total Time 45'

Bike #3: Long Ride
- Total Time: 60-80'
- Riding @RPE 3-5

Run Workouts:

Run #1:
- A workout: 
- Total time: 35'
Warm up:
Lunge Warm up:
- 10' @RPE 3-4 after lunge warm up
(15' or so warm up)

Main Set x4
10" pick up @5k feel (not an all out sprint, but RPE 9, just designed to increase the leg turnover and get the body moving for a few seconds)
4:50 @RPE 4
(5' rounds/20' set/35 total)

Warm down: Use the last minute of the workout to walk and let the HR settle.

- B workout:
- Total time: 25'
Warm up:
Lunge Warm up:
- 2' @RPE 3-4 after lunge warm up
- 1' walk
(8' or so warm up)

Main Set x5
2' run RPE 4
1' walk
(15' main set/23' total)

Warm down:
1' easy jog, 1' walk

Run #2: Brick run
- A workout: 
15' Brick run, FYL (find your legs)

- B workout:
3x(2' run, 1' walk) = 9'
- Add 1' walk at the end to cool down.

Run #3: Long Run
- A workout:
50' of 4' run/1' walk - RPE 3-5.

- B workout: 
30' of 2' run/1' walk

Strength Workouts:- Do these as a circuit, which is where you do the 1st exercise then move directly into the 2nd exercise without rest. Once you finish the list, 1x through, you take rest before completing again for rounds 2 &3. Don't forget to allow time for stretching when done, Animal Series is my favorite but stretch out what needs it.

Strength #1: 
3x through:
- Split Squats x8/leg - take a BIG front step and make sure your knee doesn't cross in front of your ankle.
- Push ups x8 (knees down if needed)
- Lat pull down x8 or 1-arm row x8/arm
*If you don't have a gym for Lat pull down, then put a bunch of heavy stuff in a backpack and do 1-arm rows at home. Another option is dragging something towards you from a rope, like a tire or something heavy.
- Hip Bridges x10
- Hollow Hold for 30"
- Hollow Arch for 30"
- Rest 1-2' between rounds.

Split Squat:
Hollow/Arch Hold:

Strength #2: 
3x through:
- Body Weight Squats x15
- Push ups x10 (do them normally if you can, if not then knees down)
- Flutter kicks x50 per leg
- Leg Lifts x10
- Plank Series: Left side, Center, Right side - you rotate from one to the next without a break! Let's start out with 20" of each variety (60" total plank time)
- Rest 1-2'

Body Weight Squat:
Push ups:
Flutter Kicks:
Leg Lifts:
Side Plank:

- Do it as such: 1a, 1b, 1a, 1b, 2a, 2b, 2a, 2b, 3a, 3b, 3a, 3b. It's a weird pattern but that's how it's written.
(1) a. Plank w/ Leg Lifts: 2x10
b. Hip Activation Matrix: 2x10
(2) a. Single Leg Bridge: 2x10 (10 ea. leg)
b. Lateral Bands: 2x10
(3) a. Side Plank Leg Lift: 2x10 (ea. Leg)
b. Bird Dog (elbow to knee): 2x6 ea. side


Wisconsin Women's All-Stars practice - 6/8/16

Here's the 2nd practice conditioning session. Tossing in some circuit training, got a little odd with the workouts trying to figure out a hamstring/glute strength exercise that's not squatting.

Warm up: 
- Jog a lap: 
- Ask if there are any injuries I need to know about?
- Dynamic: Toe flicks, High knee Caraoke, Toe Touches, DYNA walk, Russian Kicks, Lunge & Twist, Arm Circles, Skip for Height/Length

Circuit Training: BRING STEREO 
20" on/10" switch - be explosive (they can all go at the same time and same exercise) 
- Burpee
- Flutter kicks
- Plank Push ups
- Partner Drags: Lock wrist and drag them for 20" (go 2 in a row for partner switch)

*3 rounds before a break - 2 cycle break (aka 1' extra)

The partner drags were fun to watch and caused a lot of grass stains, but it for sure made them work! 

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Wisconsin Women's All-Stars workout - 6/7/16

I started volunteer coaching a HS women's rugby team a few weeks back, with really only two weeks left in their season as I found out after showing up. I've always been intrigued by rugby and played it for a semester in College as well. It was an interesting opportunity and one I jumped at in order to learn new perspectives in coaching. That head coach invited me to come help out with the Wisconsin's Women All-Stars team two weeks after 7's season ended. I jumped at the opportunity as I was put in charge of their conditioning program. It was only three practices before they head off to a competition down in N.C.

Here's the conditioning workout for June 7th, their first practice together.

Warm up: 
- Jog a lap: 
- Dynamic Warm Up: Toe flicks, High knee Caraoke, Toe Touches, DYNA walk, Russian Kicks, Lunge & Twist, Arm Circles, Skip for Height/Length

4 Corners: Pair Up w/similar size/position. Start with exercise and run to next cone to complete the next exercise, be sure to keep up with your partner. Each cone was a 5-8" run away from each other. 

1st cone - Push ups x10
2nd cone - Leg Lifts x10
3rd cone - Squats x10
4th cone - 2 position sit up x10/side
1st round: Run hard between stations. 
2nd round: Piggy back rides (switch after every station. Good for building run strength when people are trying to tackle you)
**Water Break** It was hot this day so we alloted a 2' water break. 
3rd round: Run hard
4th round: Hold pants run (resisted run, switch each station, hold shirt or pants. This also was a strength running exercise since we didn't have sleds). 

**Water Break** 

That was the end of my duties, I stayed and watched them run drills and practice. Interesting and exciting stuff. I'll follow up with the Wednesday workout in a few days. 

Sunday, June 12, 2016

CUW Training Plan: Week of 6/13/16

I'm going to start off today with the back half of an email from my former boss, Matthew Rose of Dynamo Multisport:

"Even when you're fit and prepared, racing is tough.  Probably 19 times out of 20 it really hurts.  Only on those rare days do things click smoothly and/or the pain seems to be but background noise to a wonderful performance.  On most days, especially in the early season when we're not necessarily ready for the mind game of managing peak race day performance, we find ourselves in a street fight between taking the pain head on and backing off as we seek some solace for the cardiovascular and muscular duress the body and mind experience.  You can race fast and well when it hurts.  It's hard, yes, but you can race really well when it's hard.

As I've told many of you before, racing on the line is really about where your head is at the moment - finding comfort in the discomfort while staying present and managing the two seconds you're currently in, the two seconds that just passed, and the two seconds in front of you.  Six Seconds.  If you can stay in a six second window, focus on your breathing, relaxing your shoulders and your face, you can give yourself a great shot of accessing and using every bit of fitness available to you on the day.  

The reality about pain management in racing/training is that slightly backing off really doesn't make a material difference in the discomfort.  You have to back off a lot in order to get any real relief.  Next time you find yourself in situations in training where you have to choose between "finding a way" versus backing off, think about these things - a six second window, rhythmic breathing, relaxed shoulders/face - and find a way to manage the duress.  The more often you answer the "pain question" right in workouts, the more often you'll do it on race day.

Enjoy pushing yourselves to access your fitness.  It's the fun of racing and one of the many reasons all of you spend the time you do preparing for those race days." 

He's putting that English degree to good work, but seriously, key words as we prep for a fast approaching race season. 

This week will be a tad easier than last week. We'll do these from time to time (depending on time of year and work-load, every 2nd to 5th week). 

Week Layout: 
Monday: Swim #1 and Strength #1
Tuesday: Bike #1 and Run #1 (try to do one in the AM and one in the PM)
Wednesday: Swim #2 and Strength #2
Thursday: Bike #2 and Run #2
Friday: Swim #3 (and Run #3 if you want Sunday Off)
Saturday: Bike #3 and Hips
Sunday: Run #3 (or off day if you did this on Friday).

Individual Adjustments:
Olivia: Brick run after every bike workout, 10-15', much like Run #2. - continue with 2/1 system
Mary K: Do swim #3 on Thursday. You can move Bike/Run #2 to Friday, Run #3 on Saturday, Bike #3 on Sunday. That'd probably work best.
Meghan: No running till 6/20, Same as last week, stretch and swim more. We'll get a time to work on your biking here soon.

Swim Workouts: 
Pull = buoy and/or paddles

Swim #1
- A Workout
Warm up:
3x300 - 20" rest on all
- #1: Choice
- #2: Kick/swim x50's
- #3: Drill/swim x50's
Drills: 3/4 catch up, and shark fin drill
Link to video drills is in the "Quick Reference" section above
(900 warm up)

Main Set: 
2x600 Pull - 30" rest
- #1 @RPE 4-5, #2: Neg Split to RPE 6-7
2x400 No gear - 20" rest
- #1: 150 swim, 50 kick. #2: Neg Split to RPE 6-7
2x200 Hard - 10" rest
- RPE 6-7. Strong effort, low rest, stay strong m mentally. 
(2400 main/3300 total)

Warm down
100+ easy
- Total: 3400

- B Workout: 
Warm up: 2 rounds - 20" rest on everything 
100 choice
4x50 kick w/fins
8x25 drill w/fins
- Drills: 4x Finger tip drag, 4x 3/4 Catch up in each round. 
Link to video drills is in the "Quick Reference" section above. 
(1000 warm up) 

Main Set: 
200 pull @RPE 4 w/30" rest
4x25 w/fins - 15" rest
- Focus on head position and looking down in the water, focused on a long spine and neck. 
200 pull @RPE 4 w/30" rest
4x25 w/fins - 15" rest
- Breath every 3rd stroke and focus on leaving the lead hand out until your face is back in the water (much like 3/4 catch up drill). 
4x50 on 20" rest
- All @RPE 6-7, harder effort but don't let your form go, focus on keeping your body in check. 
(800 main/1800 total)

Warm down
4x25 easy swimming
- Total: 1900

Swim #2
- A Workout
Warm up: 
- #1: Choice
- #2: 100 kick/100 swim w/fins
- #3: 25 drill/75 swim
Drill of choice
(1200 warm up) 

Main Set x3
250 pull @RPE 4-5 on 30" rest (mostly time to get gear off) 
5x50 - no gear on 15" rest
- Odds: Desc 1-3 (aka 1, 3, 5 since it is the odds, either way get faster with each odd 50 within each round)
- Evens: 25 drill, 25 focused on what you just worked on in the drill and incorporating it into your stroke. 
(500 rounds/1500 main/2700 total) 

Warm down: 
100 easy
- Total: 2800

- B Workout
Warm up: 3 rounds all on 20" rest
100 choice
100 w/fins - 50 kick, 50 swim
100 w/fins - 25 drill/25 swim
(900 warm up) 

Main Set: 
12x50 on 20" rest
*Broken up as 3x(4x50) - aka 3 rounds of 4x50, each round is the same 50's described below. 
- #1: Build (start easy and get faster as the 50 goes, the last 5 yards should be fast). 
- #2: Buoy only - This will keep your hips up and help with body position
- #3: Easy - not hard effort, but focus on your form, more specifically your body position - try to get the body feeling like it did with the pull buoy. 
- #4: 25 fast/25 easy. 
(600 main set/1500 total)

Warm down: 
4x25 easy while focusing on good form - 15" rest between the 25's
- Total: 1600

Swim #3
- A Workout
Non-stop swimming today. Working on endurance, RPE 4, just steady consistent swimming. 
- 30' total time. 
Do some arm circles to "get loose" before jumping in and knocking out a 30' straight endurance swim. 

- B Workout
Similar but with shorter duration and breaks. 
- 20' total time. 
Do the workout as 4'5' of non-stop swimming, take 1' rest, then repeat till you have 20' of total swim time (not including the rest). 

Bike Workouts: 
Bike #1: Aerobic w/burst
- Total Time: 30' 
- RPE 3-4 for the majority, on the 10' and 20' mark, do a 30" burst at RPE 8-9, remember to go to a slightly harder gear before starting the burst. 

Bike #2: Single Leg drills
Warm up: 10' easy, RPE 3-4
Main Set x4
- 15" Right Leg only
- 15" both legs
- 15" Left Leg only
- 15" both legs
- 3' @RPE 4
(4' rounds/16' set/26' total time) 
**One Leg drills: The focus is a smooth pedal stroke. If you're focused on a 12 o'clock to 6 o'clock pedal stroke it'll be choppy. Focus on a 3 o'clock to 9 o'clock pedal stroke to smooth things out. The leg you're not using you can just hang out to the side or curl up/bend at the knee to get it out of the way. 
NOTE: This will only really work if your foot is "connected" to the pedal via strap or clip in pedals. If you're on flat pedals it won't work all that well. Just focus on trying to pedal with only 1 leg the best you can. 
Warm down: 
4' easy for a 30' workout

Bike #2:Long Ride
- Total time: 45-60' - a bit shorter this week. 
- Riding at RPE 3-4 the whole time. 

Run Workouts: 
Run #1: Striders 
- A workout
Warm up: 10' easy running
Drills: 2x20" each with 10-15" rest between. 
- A-skips
- Butt kicks

Main Set x3
4' run
1' walk
(15' set) 

Strides: 3 rounds
10" Moving Start @5k effort, RPE 8-9. 
1:50 easy walking back to the start point and around until it's time to go again. 
Cold Starts vs Moving Starts: We always want to do Moving Starts. 
- Cold Starts: You start from a dead stop aka standing still - NOT GOOD
- Moving Starts: You'll jog a few steps (6-10 steps) before starting the efforts - much better and less "shock" to the muscles, thus decreasing injury risk. 
(6' set/33'ish total)

No warm down, that last 1:50 walk is your warm down. 

- B workout
Warm up: 5' easy running
Drills: 2x20" each with 10-15" rest between. 
- A-skips
- Butt kicks

Main Set x4
2' run
1' walk
(12' set) 

Strides: 3 rounds
10" Moving Start @5k effort, RPE 8-9. 
1:50 easy walking back to the start point and around until it's time to go again. 
Cold Starts vs Moving Starts: We always want to do Moving Starts. 
- Cold Starts: You start from a dead stop aka standing still - NOT GOOD
- Moving Starts: You'll jog a few steps (6-10 steps) before starting the efforts - much better and less "shock" to the muscles, thus decreasing injury risk. 
(6' set/25'ish total)

No warm down, that last 1:50 walk is your warm down. 

Run #2: Brick run 
- Both Groups: Done within 5' of finishing the bike, quickly switching to the run. 
"Find your Legs" run, meaning your legs dictate the pace. If you come out guns a blazing because the legs are feeling good, then stick with it. If it's a struggle from the start, then keep on fighting through it and play with your cadence/effort (i.e. some shorter strides with an easier effort or maybe a few longer strides with a slightly faster pace), do what you need to in order to engage the running legs. 
- Total time: 15' 
- A group: non-stop running
- B group: 2' run, 1' walk for the 15'. 

Run #3: Long Run
- A Group: 
45' total time of a 4' run, 1' walk system. RPE 3-4
- B Group: 
25' total time of a 2' run/1' walk, RPE 3-4

Strength Workouts:- Do these as a circuit, which is where you do the 1st exercise then move directly into the 2nd exercise without rest. Once you finish the list, 1x through, you take rest before completing again for rounds 2 &3. Don't forget to allow time for stretching when done, Animal Series is my favorite but stretch out what needs it.

Strength #1: 
3x through:
- Split Squats x8/leg - take a BIG front step and make sure your knee doesn't cross in front of your ankle.
- Push ups x8 (knees down if needed)
- Lat pull down x8 or 1-arm row x8/arm
*If you don't have a gym for Lat pull down, then put a bunch of heavy stuff in a backpack and do 1-arm rows at home. Another option is dragging something towards you from a rope, like a tire or something heavy.
- Leg Lifts x10 - all the way down (but don't touch the ground between reps)
- Hollow Hold for 30"
- Hollow Arch for 30"
- Rest 1-2' between rounds.

Split Squat:
Push ups:
Lat Pulldown:
One arm row:
Leg Lifts:
Hollow/Arch Hold:

Strength #2: 
3x through:
- Body Weight Squats x10
- Push ups x10 (do them normally if you can, if not then knees down)
- Flutter kicks x50 per leg
- Plank Series: Left side, Center, Right side - you rotate from one to the next without a break! Let's start out with 20" of each variety (60" total plank time)
- Rest 1-2'

Body Weight Squat:
Push ups:
Flutter Kicks:
Side Plank:

- Do it as such: 1a, 1b, 1a, 1b, 2a, 2b, 2a, 2b, 3a, 3b, 3a, 3b. It's a weird pattern but that's how it's written.
(1) a. Plank w/ Leg Lifts: 2x10
b. Hip Activation Matrix: 2x10
(2) a. Single Leg Bridge: 2x10 (10 ea. leg)
b. Lateral Bands: 2x10
(3) a. Side Plank Leg Lift: 2x10 (ea. Leg)
b. Bird Dog (elbow to knee): 2x6 ea. side


Saturday, June 4, 2016

CUW Training Plan: Week of 6/6

Happy Summer time Ladies! Weather is being awesome in the Mid-West and I'm stoked for many outdoor adventures.

Next week I'll start working on a "Terms Glossary" since I know some of these terms are new and/or I use a few different ones interchangeably (which I'm trying to stop doing so much). It's always a good time to let me know if you don't know what something means or if in general you have no idea what I'm talking about... it happens a lot with me so don't worry :-)

Here's a fun video about practicing open water swim starts, it's a classic haha:

Down to business! This will have the same outline as past weeks. Hit me up with questions.

Quick References:
Yoga with Adriene
- She has a ton of different video with different themes, a great resource for some additional stretching or if you're having any "issues" - i.e. tight back and hamstrings (or is that just me?)
Additional Swim workouts
- Sara Mclarty is a former professional triathlete and one of the best swimmers in the game. She was coaching Masters and posting workouts. At times it's a bit spotty on when she post, but there's a ton of workouts that you can look back on if you want additional swim workouts.

Week Layout: 
Monday: Swim #1 and Strength #1
Tuesday: Bike #1 and Run #1 - try to do one in the AM and one in the PM.
Wednesday: Swim #2 and Strength #2
Thursday: Bike #2 and Run #2
Friday: Swim #3 (if you want Sunday as an OFF day, then Run #3 today as well)
Saturday: Bike #3 and Hips
Sunday: Run #3 (or OFF DAY if you did Run #3 on Friday

Individual Adjustments:
Olivia: Brick run after every bike workout, 10-15', much like Run #2.
Mary K: Same as last week, do swim #3 on Thursday. You can move Bike/Run #2 to Friday, Run #3 on Saturday, Bike #3 on Sunday. That'd probably work best.
Meghan: No running till 6/20, just rest and stretch out the shins (do some of the above Yoga video's). I'd encourage you to swim 4-5x/week and get the cardio back up for the pool. Use the above link for additional swim workouts as well. I'll also work on getting you a loaner bike for the summer so you can get some bike workouts in.

Swim Workouts: 
Pull = buoy and/or paddles.
Allison K - your open water swims are at the bottom of the swim workouts.

Swim #1
- A workout
Warm up: 2 rounds, all with 20-30" rest.
200 choice
200 kick w/fins, build by 50's
8x25 on 10" rest
- Odds: Swim with pull buoy at your ankles
- Evens: Swim with pull buoy in the normal spot between thighs.
(1200 warm up)

Main Set:
600 pull @RPE 4 on 30" rest
6x50 on 15" rest
- Odds: Breath every 5th stroke
- Evens: Breath every 3rd stroke
300 pull @RPE 4 on 20" rest
6x50 on 15" rest
- Same as the 6x50's above
3x100 on 10" rest - BEST POSSIBLE EFFORT
*This will be hard, you only get 10 seconds and I want the fastest CONSISTENT times for 3x100's. If you drop off 5+ seconds from #1 to #3, then you started off too fast. Take note of this for the future.
(1800 main set/3000 total)

Warm down:
300 easy - do all 300 to shake out that final effort
- Total: 3300

- B workout: 
Warm up: 2 rounds, 20" rest on everything.
100 choice
3x50 kick w/fins
4x25 w/pull buoy at your ankles
(700 warm up)

Main Set:
150 pull @RPE 4 with 30" rest
4x25 on 20" rest
- Breath every 5th stroke
100 pull @RPE 4 with 30" rest
4x25 on 20" rest
- same as above
50 pull @RPE 4 with 30" rest
4x50 on 10" rest - BEST POSSIBLE EFFORT
*This will be hard, you only get 10 seconds and I want the fastest CONSISTENT times for 4x50s. If you drop off 5+ seconds from #1 to #4, then you started off too fast. Take note of this for the future.
(700 main set/1400 total)

Warm down:
8x25 on 15-20" rest
- #1-4: Easy swimming
- #5-8: Kicking w/fins on
- Total: 1600

Swim #2
- A workout
Warm up:
4x250 on 20-30" rest
- Odds: 100 free/50 stroke
- Evens: 50 drill/75 swim - repeat
Video Library of drills:
(1000 warm up)

Main Set: Jacobs Ladder - 3 rounds of the below.
- everything is on 10" rest, but take an additional 30-45" after the 100 kick before the next round starts.
100 kick
- Swim aggressive since everything is so short, RPE 6-8.
(600 per round/1800 set/2800 total)

Warm down:
200 easy - mix in some kicking if you'd like
- Total: 3000

- B workout: 
Warm up: 2 rounds, 20" rest on everything.
100 choice
2x50 kick w/fins
4x25 drill of choice
Video Library of drills:
(600 warm up)

Main Set: Jacobs Ladder - 2 rounds of the below.
- everything is on 15" rest, but take an additional 30-45" after the 100 kick before the next round starts.
100 kick w/fins - give your arms a break
- Swim aggressive since everything is so short, RPE 6-8.
(500 per round/1000 set/1600 total)

Warm down:
4x25 on 15-20" rest - all easy swimming
- Total: 1700

Swim #3
- A workout
Warm up:
5x200 on 20-30" rest
- #1 Choice
- #2/4: Kick/swim x50's w/fins
- #3/5: Drill/swim x50's w/fins
*Do the 6/3/6 drill for #3 and rotate between a 25 of doggie paddle and 25 fingertip drag for #5.
Video Library of drills:
(1000 warm up)

Main Set:
CFC = Cruise/Fast/Cruise. Cruise is RPE 4, Fast is RPE 7-8. The goal is a little active recovery after a surge, which you will encounter during races.
2x300 CFC Pull on 20" rest
- 150 Cruise, 100 Fast, 50 Cruise
3x200 CFC with no gear and 15" rest
- 100 C/50 F/50 C
4x100 CFC no gear on 10" rest
- 25/50/25
6x50 on 15" rest
- Odds: 25 Easy/25 Fast
- Evens: 25 Fast/25 Easy
(1900 main/2900 total)

Warm down:
200 easy - mix in some kicking if you'd like
- Total: 3100

- B workout: 
Warm up: 2 rounds, 20" rest on everything.
100 choice
2x50 kick w/fins
4x25 drill of choice
*Round 1 Drill: Doggie Paddle
*Round 2 Drill: Shark Fin (video labled finger drag - zipper - shark fin. It's the zipper/shark fin drill you want to look at).
Video Library of drills:
(600 warm up)

Main Set:
- CFC = Cruise/Fast/Cruise. Cruise is RPE 4, Fast is RPE 7-8. The goal is a little active recovery after a surge, which you will encounter during races.
- EXAMPLE: I'd write out 75 CFC then 25/25/25 which means 25 cruise, 25 fast, 25 cruise for that 75.
100 CFC on 30" rest
- - 50/25/25 (50 cruise, 25 fast, 25 cruise)
8x75 CFC on 30" rest
- 25/25/25
(700 main set/1300 total)

Warm down:
4x25 on 15-20" rest - all easy swimming
- Total: 1400

Allison K: I'm recycling last weeks open water swims since you weren't at camp yet.

Swim #1:' = minutes" = seconds- 10' warm up, toss in a few drills.- Main Set x3: 8' @ RPE 4, 2' @ RPE 5-6- Warm down: 5' easy swimming- Total: 45'Swim #2:- 15' warm up, toss in a few drills and some stand alone kicking- Main Set x10: 50 strokes easy, 50 strokes @ RPE 6-7 (strokes being freestyle. If you don't feel like counting then go 1' off/1' on, fairly similar)- Warm down: 5' easy swimming- Total: 40'-ishSwim #3:- 15' warm up, toss in a few drills and some stand alone kicking- Main Set: 20 strokes, focusing on EVF, then zone out for a few minutes, then another 20 stroke focus - repeat for 20'Video: Warm down: 5' easy swimming- Total: 40' total

Bike Workouts
Bike #1:Aerobic Base/Recovery ride -
- Total time: 45'
- Mostly RPE 4, however on the 10'/20'/30'/40' marks do 30" of high cadence spinning (go into an easier gear and spin the legs quickly. No bouncing, if you're bouncing in the seat then the gear is too easy).

Bike #2:Burst work - going up in interval time by 5" otherwise the same.
Warm up: 15' easy - RPE 4
Main Set x4:
- 30" @RPE 10!!
- 4:30 easy - RPE 3-4
Warm down
- 10' staying at RPE 4-5

Bike #3:Long Ride - Another staple ride, but intervals will work their way in near the end of the summer.
- Total Time: 60-80'
- Riding @ RPE 3-5, it's all about that base!

Run Workouts:
Run #1: Run/Drills/Run
A workout:
Warm up: 10' easy running, RPE 3-4
Drills: 3x20" each - take a little rest between the drills as well since they both focus on the hamstrings
- Butt kicks: 4th drill in the 1st video (starts at 2:21 mark)
- B-skips: 3rd drill in the 1st video - also the 2nd video link has a slow mo of it.

Main Set: x4
4:30 run RPE 4-5
30" walk
(20' main set/35ish' total)

Warm down:
3' run, 2' walk
- Total: 40'

B workout:
Warm up: 5' easy running, RPE 4
Drills: 3x20" each - take a little rest between the drills as well since they both focus on the hamstrings
- Butt kicks: 4th drill in the 1st video (starts at 2:21 mark)
- B-skips: 3rd drill in the 1st video - also the 2nd video link has a slow mo of it.

Main Set x4
3' run RPE 4-5
1' walk
(16' main/24ish total)

Warm down: 1' run, 2' walk
- 27' total

Run #2: BRICK run
Both groups:
Brick run is a run that is done immediately after the bike. Have your gear set out prior to starting the ride. Get off the bike and start the run within 5'
Goal: Find your legs - it'll feel wonky to start, just focus on your form. 

Workout: 10' at RPE 4.

Run #3: Run/Walk/Repeat - same as last week, we'll hold steady for another week or two then bump the time up. 
A workout:
- 50' total of 4' run/1' walk - RPE of 4-5 on the run. Building up the distance a bit.
B workout:
- 30' total of 2' run/1' walk - RPE of 4-5 on the run
You can walk for 5' or so to warm up a bit if you'd like to before jumping into the workout, otherwise just get to it!

Strength Workouts:- Do these as a circuit, which is where you do the 1st exercise then move directly into the 2nd exercise without rest. Once you finish the list, 1x through, you take rest before completing again for rounds 2 &3. Don't forget to allow time for stretching when done, Animal Series is my favorite but stretch out what needs it.

Strength #1: 

3x through:
- Lunges x8/leg - take a BIG front step and make sure your knee doesn't cross in front of your ankle.
- Push ups x8 (knees down if needed)
- Lat pull down x8 or 1-arm row x8/arm
*If you don't have a gym for Lat pull down, then put a bunch of heavy stuff in a backpack and do 1-arm rows at home.
- Leg Lifts x10 - all the way down (but don't touch the ground between reps)
- Hollow Hold for 30"
- Hollow Arch for 30"
- Rest 1-2' between rounds.

Push ups:
Lat Pulldown:
One arm row:
Leg Lifts:
Hollow/Arch Hold:

Strength #2: 

3x through:
- Body Weight Squats x10
- Push ups x10 (do them normally if you can, if not then knees down)
- Flutter kicks x50 per leg
- Plank Series: Left side, Center, Right side - you rotate from one to the next without a break! Let's start out with 15" of each variety (45" total plank time)
- Rest 1-2'

Body Weight Squat:
Push ups: 
Flutter Kicks:

Side Plank:


- Do it as such: 1a, 1b, 1a, 1b, 2a, 2b, 2a, 2b, 3a, 3b, 3a, 3b. It's a weird pattern but that's how it's written.
(1) a. Plank w/ Leg Lifts: 2x10
b. Hip Activation Matrix: 2x10
(2) a. Single Leg Bridge: 2x10 (10 ea. leg)
b. Lateral Bands: 2x10
(3) a. Side Plank Leg Lift: 2x10 (ea. Leg)
b. Bird Dog (elbow to knee): 2x6 ea. side

Stretches:-        Pec Stretches:
-        Figure 4:
-        Hamstring stretch w/towel:
-        Straddle Stretch (first 2’ of video):
-        Lying leg cross-over:
-        T-mobility:
-        Inchworm:
-        Wall Angels:
-        Animal Series:
-        Toe Yoga: